Cosmetic Lust #1: Tangee Lipstick

As a Golden Era Gal I absolutly love cosmetics, I think even if I wasn’t, I would still love cosmetics. From perfume to moisturizer, from the top of my head to my toes. I love the packaging, I love to indulge myself & be utterly seduced by packaging & promises. In a previous post I blogged about a 1940’s Max Factor ‘How To’ booklet I found (which I can promise you, is still in pride of place of my vanity table and I look at it probably more than I would like to admit) Well in many of my blog wanderings, I came across Lauren Renolls’s absolute goldmine of a blog ‘Bobby Pin Blog’. I have definitely passed her amazing articles before & have heard of her Retro Hair & Make up books. She linked a website for ‘Cake Mascara’ from Longcils by Boncza: The Original Cake Mascara (I said ‘Ohhhhhh’ & my pupils probably dilated with lust!) I am familiar with Besame Cosmetics & they do a more than sterling job both in presentation & quality. I have heard alot of great review on their Violet Powder.  Anyway this then led my to another makeup brand, also on the site recommended by Laura’s blog, that I had never heard of before – Tangee

Even the name conjures up images of mystery & the exotic…I started doing some research & I thought I would share some of the advertising campaigns & glamorous faces that endorsed the products. One of the first products was their Lipstick that,wait for it, changes colour to suit you! (by the way I am ordering one of these babies as soon as I get payed!) This was quite the selling point & is still in production today.


The colour changing Lipstick (click for source)

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Hitting the decks!


It was Cotton Tail Club on Tuesday & it was an amazing night, the bar was packed out & the lovely dancers from Sussex Swing came down. I managed to take a few snaps (with my new camera!) as I am really trying to document my night more. I love doing it so much & even though I’ve been doing it every Tuesday for over a year, it never feels like a chore and it’s often a place that my friends come down to as many of them are fellow DJs and finding a night where none of us are doing a gig is pretty rare! I get Wednesdays off from the Boutique too, so infact it tends to feel like more of a party before my day off! I love putting an outfit together every week (I know Matt does too but he probably wouldn’t admit it!) This weeks at Cotton Tail Club Sadie (The Vintage News/Vanity Case) came down to spin a few records with me & she did a mighty fine job too (a highlight was ‘Do the Clam’ by Elvis Presley – this is the song as featured in the movie ‘Girl Happy’ from 1965 – it’s a ‘so bad it’s good’ kinda vibe!)

A few snaps:


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A lighter coat. A brighter day

I bought this 1940’s Gaberdine jacket before Christmas from Snoopers Paradise but sadly the weather just hasn’t been warm enough to wear it. I have been snuggled into knee length sheepskin coat & can’t bare anything lighter. Until today!


I have the original belt but it needs new backing & is falling apart as I think it was used separately to the coat

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Spring should bring in the New Year

I don’t know about you but I always feel so much more optimistic when Spring is in the air. Everything is coming back to life, including my morale! January & February are so very very dull. It’s still cold, I’m still on the festive come down & the days are short. So that is why I think March should be the turn of the year! March should be the official start to the New Year – am I crazy or does anyone else agree? I cannot wait for more sunshine, more greenery & less layers.  Although saying that I have had a great year so far. Myself & Sadie from The Vintage News/Vanity Case went upto London to The Vintage Mafia’s first Ric Rac Club of the year ‘Be my vintage Valentines’, it was at a pub near Angel Called The Blacksmith & the Toffee Maker, which was a really nice pub with Mid Centuary furniture, it had a really authentic wooded dance floor around the side of the bar which set the place apart from most pubs when it came to space for pulling shapes. Sadie managed to snap a few shots, as did Hanson Leatherby which you can see here on The Mafia’s Facebook Page:

Heart lollipops at the Ric Rac

Heart lollipops at the Ric Rac (photo Sadie Doherty)

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